Faculty of Philosophy

About us
The Faculty of Philosophy is one of four original faculties in Heidelberg. When the university was founded in 1386, the faculty was originally called artes liberales or "liberal arts". In a much more recent chapter in our history, the Humanities disciplines were divided into two faculties: Philosophy, and “Modern Languages” (the Neuphilologische Fakultät).

The Faculty of Philosophy of Heidelberg University awards the academic degree of “Doktor/Doktorin der Philosophie” (Dr. phil. - Doctor of Philosophy) for academic achievements in the subjects offered in the faculty’s institutes and associated disciplines.

The faculty offers numerous study programmes leading to a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Education (M.Ed.). The partial degree programmes offer a wide range of combination options.

The Faculty of Philosophy is characterised by a strong research orientation. It gains its special profile from the dynamic tension between disciplinary diversity and transdisciplinary collaborative research.